I’ll Say Sorry, But I’m Not Taking Off My Glasses
Posted on January 22, 2008
Filed Under Culture & Technology | 1 Comment
CNET News.com’s Caroline McCarthy has written an interesting (if not entirely enlightened) article and for somebody who “believes that, despite popular opinion, the Web can actually help your social life,” Caroline, surprisingly, comes closer to getting it right than I thought she could.
Her article is inspired by the case of Corey Delaney, a 16 year-old Australian who got in big trouble for throwing a wild party and proceeded to become yet another Internet celebrity when a video of his ridiculous television news interview spread virally through the legions of YouTube time wasters. His now-famous line, “I’ll say sorry, but I’m not taking off my glasses” has now been turned into a t-shirt. Just what the world needs.
I’m an E-Consultant
Posted on January 21, 2008
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions | 2 Comments
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve joined the team at and will be calling E-consultancy.com my new home away from home. Yes, Drama 2.0 will be posting on the pretty much daily during the business week so be sure to check out my first post and to tune in regularly for all of my future posts.
Some of my readers might ask “Why E-consultancy.com?” Because E-consultancy.com focuses on Internet marketing and ecommerce, it’s the perfect place for me to take my act since my interests in the Internet, media and marketing go far beyond the walled garden of Web 2.0. I’ll be able to write about a broader range of topics. E-consultancy.com has also been around since 1999, so it’s bubble-tested and Drama-approved.
Play Poker, Win VC Funding
Posted on January 21, 2008
Filed Under VC Insanity | Leave a Comment
What would you do to get VC funding? If you’re not playing poker in Silicon Valley, you might want to start. A recent Wired article details the chronicles of 28 year-old Zach Coelius who has worked his way into Silicon Valley’s inner circles by playing poker. His new startup, Triggit, just raised $500,000 from Bay Partners, the firm that never received the memo announcing that the New Economy was a sham.
This time, however, they’re investing for all the right reasons:
Posted on January 20, 2008
Filed Under Culture & Technology |
The World Economic Forum, “an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas,” is holding its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland January 23 - 27. Business leaders, politicians, intellectuals and now bloggers will come together to discuss how to deal with the mess of a world they’ve helped create. Since the organization was formed in 1971, they’ve failed to deal with anything, but warm fuzzy feelings are created when guys like Bono, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton all get on the same stage and reaffirm their commitment to improving the human condition (once they take care of their other business, of course).
There Will Be A Fund
Posted on January 20, 2008
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions | 2 Comments
Virtual Events Provider Raises $10 Million, Misses the Point of Events
Posted on January 19, 2008
Filed Under VC Insanity | 1 Comment
Unisfair, a Menlo Park-based startup that hosts events such as conferences, trade shows and job fairs in virtual worlds, has raised $10 million in funding from Norwest and Sequoia. Unisfair hosted more than 400 virtual events for companies like Cisco, Cognos and Nielsen over the past year and a half and appears to have a real business model.
Because the company generates revenue, you’d expect that Drama 2.0 would be a fan. Wrong. I agree with Paul Glazowski that this is a ridiculous business, but for a much different reason: Unisfair misses the entire point of corporate events. The companies that host virtual events in Unisfair’s corporate Second Life are doing a major disservice to “attendees.”
2007 Crunchies: The Winners
Posted on January 19, 2008
Filed Under Web 2.0 Kool Aid | Leave a Comment
The Crunchies weren’t the Grammys but for a Silicon Valley production, they get a passing grade. It was a bit of a sausage fest, but that was to be expected. Mark Zuckerberg really disappointed me. He’s just really clueless about how to dress appropriately. Time to grow up, Mark. You’re 23, not 13. I was wearing Brioni suits when I was 19 so there’s no reason Mr. Billionaire can’t, at the very least, pick up some slacks and a sportcoat.
GoldDigger: Pre-Prenup Protection
Posted on January 18, 2008
Filed Under Easy VC Money | 3 Comments
After successfully raising $10 million for blackmailr and pocketing my 5% finder’s fee, I’ve decided to help a new startup raise a small angel round. Why do this when I’m only going to earn a $25,000 finder’s fee? Because this startup is near and dear to my heart and truly has the potential to make the world a better place.
The Problem
Modern society’s wealth boom has created a significant problem for wealthy men: an increasing number of women desire nothing more than to date and marry them solely for their assets. According to Prince & Associates, a Connecticut-based wealth-research firm, nearly two-thirds of women are “very” or “extremely” willing to marry for money.
Who is Drama 2.0?
Posted on January 18, 2008
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions | Leave a Comment
I’ve done an interview with Allen Stern at Center Networks and I while I don’t reveal all, I do reveal some. Check it out.
The Crunchies Ultimate Preview
Posted on January 18, 2008
Filed Under Web 2.0 Kool Aid | Leave a Comment
San Francisco is going to be jumping tonight and this time it won’t solely be because Drama 2.0 is in town to show all the Frisco ladies how he makes it rain at The Supper Club. No, this time San Francisco will be jumping because are going down at the Herbst Theater. If you haven’t heard, The Crunchies are basically the Grammys of Web 2.0 and the stars of Silicon Valley will be walking down a gradient red carpet hoping that they’ll be going home with an award (if not a PR chick).
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