The Wisdom of Drama - June 30, 2008

Drama 2.0 says:

The most interesting characters are usually the most conflicted and flawed.

More Social Media Stupidity

My post yesterday led to a response by Mashable’s Mark “Rizzn” Hopkins, which led to some amusing displays of social media stupidity that I felt worth sharing on this beautiful Friday.

First we have a brilliant comment from “Ling”:

You can’t precisely measure the benefits of ‘good’ social media marketing.

Of course, this begs the question: if you can’t measure something, how do you know it exists?

Who Says Social Media Can’t Be Measured?

I always find it revealing that, for all the hype about social media as a marketing medium, the most vocal proponents of its virtues seem unusually ill-equipped to answer basic questions about the claimed successes of social media campaigns.

For instance, the individuals involved with one social media marketing campaign claimed that 200,000 people were driven to an amusement park in Texas. Yet, in response to , the marketer behind it was unable to answer basic questions, such as “How many people did your campaign reach?”, “How many people visited the website you set up?” and “What methodology was used to determine how and where theme park visitors found out about the ride you were promoting?”

The Wisdom of Drama - June 26, 2008

Drama 2.0 says:

Crime is the lottery of both the ambitious and the desperate.

TechCrunch Gets into Copy and Paste Press Release Journalism

The disdain TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington has for the world of mainstream journalism is well-established.

In the past, I’ve criticized his irrational position on mainstream journalism and have also pointed out that his own standards are often quite lacking ( than once).

Arrington recently made claims about a conflict of interest he thinks exists with the New York Times, so it was with interest that I was sent an email earlier with a link to a curious TechCrunch post.

Valleywag what it purports to be Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield’s resignation letter.

Flickr, of course, was acquired by Yahoo in 2005 and Butterfield has joined the ranks of the Yahoo employees who have decided to leave following Microsoft’s failed acquisition bid and .

Butterfield’s resignation letter is humorous yet and the same time, makes some arguably valid points about Yahoo’s business strategy.

But I believe Butterfield misses the point and has displayed a severe lack of maturity in writing such a letter.

RIP George Carlin

George Carlin was always one of my favorite comedians. In my opinion, few comedians were as witty, intelligent and insightful as George so I was saddened to learn yesterday of his passing at the age of 71.

I think few understood language and how it relates to us as well as Carlin and his comedy contributed greatly to my interest in the impact of language on culture and thought.

Since George and his comedy added a bit of joy and happiness to my life and caused me to think in the process, I couldn’t help but post this message.

The Wisdom of Drama - June 23, 2008

Drama 2.0 says:

Date down, marry up.

Inspiration Proves Increasingly Elusive for A VC

Last week, a commenter on this blog pointed me in the direction of an interesting post by Fred Wilson, a venture capitalist in New York and the author of the popular blog, A VC.

In his post, Wilson lamented that he’s not finding much inspiration in the technology blogosphere these days.

He wrote:

As technology blogging has become defined by blogs like Techcrunch, Gigaom, VentureBeat, Valleywag, PaidContent, AlleyInsider, and many others that are quickly becoming news organizations optimizing around scoops and driving readership, I am feeling that we’ve lost something, or at least we need to look elsewhere for that magic that was existent back in the first half of this decade.

Through Profy, I came across an interesting post that adds a dash of perspective to the blogosphere and the world of “first adopters” at large.

WinExtra is a blog written by Steve Hodson, a self-described “cranky old fart wandering the internet causing mayhem as he goes.”

In his post “There’s Web 2.0 and then there’s Reality,” that there is a divide between those who can afford to invest in all the latest technology and the rest of the universe.

He notes:

keep looking »


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Drama 2.0 spikes the Web 2.0 kool aid by providing critical analyses of Web 2.0, its people, its startups and its impact on the world of media. Other topics are explored when Drama 2.0 has been drinking too much 1975 Dom Perignon. Read more about the Internet's version of Keyser Söze here.

