I’m an E-Consultant
Posted on January 21, 2008
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions |
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve joined the team at and will be calling E-consultancy.com my new home away from home. Yes, Drama 2.0 will be posting on the pretty much daily during the business week so be sure to check out my first post and to tune in regularly for all of my future posts.
Some of my readers might ask “Why E-consultancy.com?” Because E-consultancy.com focuses on Internet marketing and ecommerce, it’s the perfect place for me to take my act since my interests in the Internet, media and marketing go far beyond the walled garden of Web 2.0. I’ll be able to write about a broader range of topics. E-consultancy.com has also been around since 1999, so it’s bubble-tested and Drama-approved.
Rest assured, The Drama 2.0 Show is not going anywhere and will still be broadcast from my island abode with no interruption in service. My New Year’s Resolution is to prove that no other blogger in any of the Internets is capable of writing high-quality posts as often as I so you’re going to be reading a lot of me in 2008. I’m even exploring the possibility of authoring a book, so watch out.

2 Responses to “I’m an E-Consultant”
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Excellent, I shall look forward to reading your entries - e-Consultancy has always been a bookmark on my machine.
Hmm a book, I can see it now…
“Can I get your autograph, please, Mr. Drama, sir?”