Drama’s Roundup - December 28, 2007
Posted on December 28, 2007
Filed Under Drama's Roundup |
Why It’s Interesting: Research firm Basex Inc. estimates that disruptions caused by “information overload” cost the United States $650 billion every year. That’s right, even those useless employees who aren’t wasting time outright are apparently costing American employers hundreds of billions of dollars a year because of technology.
Why It’s Interesting: While I usually pay no attention to predictions except my own (including my personal non-predictions that get stolen by BusinessWeek), ad agency JTW’s “Eighty Things to Watch in 2008″ piqued my interest if for nothing more than its randomness (assisted marriage is the #3 thing to watch in 2008?). I guess next year I’m going to have to up the ante by listing 2009 things to watch in 2009.
To those that have, shall be given
Why It’s Interesting: A good high-level overview of the correlation between beauty and success. If the increasing evidence that “beauty and success go hand in hand” is accurate, I’m looking even better than I thought!
Why It’s Interesting: The mortgage situation is getting worse, and even the media is recognizing that “Chinese, Singaporean and Arab sovereign investment funds seem to offer the only salvation for the US banking system.” Drama 2.0 will be in the Mideast on business in Q1 2008 and looks forward to finding out just how eager Gulf Coast investors are to bail out their good friends in the United States.
Americans Falling Behind on Credit Card Payments at Alarming Rate
Why It’s Interesting: In my opinion, it’s only a matter of time before the credit card market follows in the footsteps of the subprime mortgage market now that many Americans can no longer use their homes as a credit line. The great news for banks is that, unlike mortgage debt, the vast majority of credit card debt is not secured and banks will have 100% losses. Huge losses mean fewer taxes, right?

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