Drama 2.0 Selling Exclusive Sponsorship
Posted on February 25, 2008
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions |
Update: sold.
I recently introduced The Drama 2.0 Show to a friend, and after reading some of my posts, he asked a question: “What are you doing to monetize this?” My response: “Nothing, really. I’m taking an authentic Web 2.0 approach.”
Of course, I do have a pitch for sponsors here, but, as is probably obvious, it was written more as a joke than as a serious attempt to procure dollars. After all, I’ve always believed that the thousands of dollars sponsors (often startups) pay each month for buttons on some of the most popular Web 2.0 blogs is a complete waste of money.
I informed my friend that I didn’t think the Drama 2.0 Show was a good platform for sponsors. After all, I usually have nothing positive to say, and even though I’ve received lots of love, including from mainstream media outlets like The San Francisco Chronicle, and , who really wants their company to be associated with a cynic? But after enough pestering, I made a deal: I’ll attempt to sell one exclusive sponsorship. If I can sell it, he gets a cut. If I can’t, he’ll give me $1,000 (just enough to pay for my latest speeding ticket).
Because I’m required to make a serious sales attempt, I need to provide details.
Who Reads The Drama 2.0 Show?
According to an independent research firm that I own, the average reader of The Drama 2.0 Show:
- Is a handsome male aged 25 to 45.
- Makes more than $250,000 a year.
- Is single with no known children.
- Spends a significant amount of his disposable income on luxury items.
- Is more likely than readers of other Web 2.0 blogs to own at least three automobiles costing more than $100,000.
- Has an IQ of 125 or higher.
Granted, there are only 20 readers of The Drama 2.0 Show, but this is an exclusive, hard-to-reach demographic that can’t be found on any other Web 2.0 blog.
What Does the Sponsor Get?
The sponsor of The Drama 2.0 Show will receive:
- A prominent 200 pixel wide by 90 pixel tall “Sponsored By” logo and link that appears to the far right of my infamous, soon-to-be-award-winning logo.
- A mention under the Drama 2.0 Sponsors section of the blog’s right navigation and promotional text on the Sponsors page.
- Two thank-you posts every month. Even if your company sucks, I’ll use my genius to come up with some plausible-sounding rationale as to why your company is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
- The satisfaction of knowing that I will probably spend your money on my girlfriend, not on liquor.
How Much Does this Cost?
The exclusive sponsorship of The Drama 2.0 Show is available for $750/month on a month-to-month basis. First takes it so long as what I will be promoting is legal under the laws of the sovereign nation of Liberia, where I hold honorary citizenship.
For those of you who really want to piss me off, proving my friend right is probably the only chance you’ll ever get. Funny paradox: I win financially either way. But that’s the story of my life.

6 Responses to “Drama 2.0 Selling Exclusive Sponsorship”
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It’s not a win-win if you totally undershot the price though. And I think you could’ve gotten twice that. From someone besides me. Someone with the money.
Morgan: I blog for personal amusement, not to pay the bills. The Drama 2.0 Show was never was designed to be a money-making enterprise so the fact that I can earn some cash in exchange for giving a sponsor some exposure is great. I probably could have charged double but the difference between $750 and $1,500 doesn’t really do anything for me anyway.
It’s also satisfying to know that a startup that has yet to launch will have an opportunity to sponsor this blog at a cost that isn’t prohibitive or exploitative. As much as Drama loves money, he’s still a believer in charging a fair price for a fair service.
You are overcharging.
In your own words: “…I’ve always believed that the thousands of dollars sponsors (often startups) pay each month for buttons on some of the most popular Web 2.0 blogs is a complete waste of money.”
Therefore if you are, as you claim: “…a believer in charging a fair price for a fair service.” Your “fair price” is $0 for the “fair service” of “a complete waste of money.”
I guess you can weasel out of that, however, because Drama 2.0 is not amongst the “most popular Web 2.0 blogs”. So charge more for exposure on a blog with 20 readers. Makes sense….in bizarro world.
…just giving you crap…
Bill: long time no talk. How’s it going? Has Steve been able to beat some sense into Jerry yet?
I can weasel out of my statements because:
- My new sponsor is getting more than a button. Just wait and see - you’ll love the level of engagement.
- Thousands of dollars to reach hundreds of thousands of geeky techies is a waste of money. $750 to reach 20 of the most exclusive people in the world (each of whom probably spends more on vodka each year than the average senior engineer at Google makes in a year) is not.
I want to sponsor it! Send me the payment details.
I love your angle on Web 2.87 by the way. It adds an element of realism that techs are lacking. I hope you don’t get too popular though–the more unmonetizeable startups are these guys are putting their energy into, the more room there is for me to monetize it!
FaceySpacey: thanks for your interest but the sponsorship has already been sold.