Drama’s Roundup - January 23, 2008
Posted on January 23, 2008
Filed Under Drama's Roundup |
Publicis’s Levy: Too Many Companies Chasing Too Few Dollars Online
Why It’s Interesting: Even though this was published in early November 2007, I just came across it and found it to be even more relevant now given the economic landscape has worsened considerably. When the CEO of one of the most important advertising companies in the world (and one of the most tech-friendly) says that far too many companies are chasing too few dollars, makes reference to the first .com bust and calls Facebook’s valuation “insane” because it’s “unbalanced relative to the potential advertising value” of the service, it’s worth taking note.
Plenty to chew on for great minds of Davos
Why It’s Interesting: It looks like the heavy hitters attending Davos might have to put off for another year - their genius is urgently needed to figure out how to save the global economy. Of course, the one thing I don’t understand is this: if idiots like me have seen an economic disaster coming for quite some time and the Davos attendees apparently didn’t, are they really as smart as they’re cracked up to be?
A recession of global dimensions?
Why It’s Interesting: A good article about the current state of the global economy. While I don’t necessarily agree with everything the author believes, he does come to a fairly realistic conclusion: “while we still influence the world economy, the new reality is that the world economy increasingly influences us.”
In the free music space, can CBS succeed where others have failed?
Why It’s Interesting: CBS is making some big changes to last.fm that seem to give it a shot at lasting success and the fact that a big media entity like CBS is involved may be the key to that success. As Quincy Smith, president of CBS Interactive, points out in reference to making ad-supported music work, “Only media can bring [those kinds of] sponsorship relationships.”
Why It’s Interesting: Federated Media joins Digg and Plaxo as it hires an investment bank to help it raise money or sell itself. The company claims that the investment bank will be vetting existing interest, not generating it, but it’s clear that some of the most recognizable names in the VC-backed startup space are eager to get bought or raise money, obviously in part because there’s some fear that the Four Horsemen of the Economic Apocalypse are getting ready to ride. This is not promising for those who get left behind.
Why They’re Interesting: I wrote them. Of course they’re interesting.

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