Announcing DramaFest 2007 Amsterdam
Posted on July 14, 2007
Filed Under Commercial Interruptions |
If you’re tired of the same old boring technology conferences, you’re in for a treat. DramaFest makes its debut this November in Amsterdam. The conference brings together a diverse group of luminaries to discuss technology and media.
Silicon Valley is boring, so we’re spicing things up by holding DramaFest in Amsterdam, the home of an impressive canal system, wonderful museums, the world’s finest coffee shops and “clubs” that provide more than just bottle service. The conference will be held at the opulent Amstel InterContinental Amsterdam, which is situated right on the beautiful Amstel River.
DramaFest will be held November 16 - 18, 2007. Amsterdam’s 20th annual Cannabis Cup begins on November 18, giving attendees the opportunity to kill two birds with one stoner (or more appropriately, to light two joints with one match).
The Schedule
An incredible lineup of speakers and “networking” activities awaits attendees of DramaFest.
Friday, November 16
9 am - 10 am
Tom Anderson (President of MySpace, Trendsetter)
Topic: Photography 2.0: Taking Pictures of Yourself Using Mirrors
10 am - 11 am
Borat Sagdiyev (Kazakh Reporter)
Topic: Citizen Journalisms and Moviefilms
11 am - 12 pm
Jeffrey Skilling via Satellite (Former CEO of Enron)
Topic: Business Ethics 2.0
12 pm - 1 pm
Lunch Break
Catered Lunch Sponsored by De Dampkring Coffeeshop
1 pm - 2 pm
Recovery Period
2 pm - 3 pm
Metallica (Rockstars, RIAA Spokesmodels)
Topic: Kill ‘Em All: Why the Democratization of Content Sucks
3 pm - 4 pm
Conrad Black (Former Media Mogul)
Topic: Old Media Made Me Do Evil Things
4 pm - 5 pm
Ted Stevens (United States Senator, Technologist)
Topic: Keeping The Tubes of the Internet Free from Enormous Amounts of Material that Slow Down Your Own Personal Internets
5 pm - ? am
Party at the Yab Yum “Nightclub”
Saturday, November 17
9 am - 10 am
Paris Hilton (Businesswoman, Actress, Singer, Designated Driver)
Topic: How the Internet Threatens the Creation of Private Sex Tapes
Please note that Ms. Hilton typically does not wake before noon, especially after a night of partying, therefore the schedule may be modified as necessary to accomodate Ms. Hilton’s health needs.
10 am - 11 am
Jonathan Abrams (Founder of Friendster)
Topic: Hindsight is 2.0/2.0
11 am - 12 pm
Alex Tew (Creator of the Million Dollar Homepage)
Topic: Capitalizing on Stupidity
12 pm - 1 pm
Catered Lunch at La Rive Restaurant Sponsored by Stolichnaya Vodka
1 pm - 2 pm
Recovery Period
2 pm - 3 pm
Chris Hansen (NBC Reporter, Host of To Catch a Predator, 16-Year Old Girl)
Topic: Finding Friends with Benefits on Social Networking Sites
3 pm - 4 pm
Paul Graham (Partner at YCombinator)
Topic: Cheap Labor 2.0
4 pm - 5 pm
Jim Carey (Aspiring Actor)
Topic: New Media Just Keeps Getting Dumb and Dumbr
5 pm - ? am
Red Light Extravaganza at a Private Location in De Wallen
Drama 2.0 Casting Couch by Invitation
Sunday, November 18
9 am - 10 am
Tila Tequila (Rapper, Singer, Model, Blogger, Actress)
Topic: Justin Kan Ain’t Got Shit on Me
10 am - 11 am
Mariska Majoor (Founder of the Prostitution Information Centre)
Topic: The Impact of Second Life on Amsterdam’s Sex Industry
11 am - 12 pm
Panelist DeathMatch
12 pm - 12:05 pm
Drama 2.0 (Connoisseur)
Keynote Speech: Who Needs Web 2.0 When You Have Amsterdam?
Attendees of DramaFest 2007 will receive:
- Round trip air transportation on the Google Party Jet.
- One week of accomodations at the Amstel InterContinental Amsterdam.
- Catered lunches on Friday and Saturday.
- “Full service” at the parties on Friday and Saturday.
All-inclusive pricing is $8,000 US. Females under the age of 30 with photos posted on MySpace may qualify for a Casting Couch discount.
Space is limited so please contact us to reserve your spots.
Legal Notice
My attorneys at the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe have advised me to make it clear that DramaFest 2007 is a parody intended solely to serve as a social commentary about the state of technology conferences. The individuals and entities referenced in this post are not really participating in a DramaFest conference and they’re all probably really nice in real life. Hopefully you were able to figure this out on your own.

11 Responses to “Announcing DramaFest 2007 Amsterdam”
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Good one,
sign me up! I’ll bring my HashMaps!
Shhh! Don’t give people any clues about the HashUps Developer Retreat I’m planning in Humboldt County for 2008.
I am offended that I was not asked to speak. Perhaps if Ms. Hilton drops out?
We can always make room for you Michael. What would you like to speak about?
I have stayed at the Amstel, it was great.
Will you show yourself at the conference? :0
I already posted my photo!
I want to talk about…puppies. Can I talk about puppies?
Wait, you are Aleksey Vayner (sp?)? Impossible is nothing I guess.
[…] the way technology conferences are held and that’s why I created DramaFest. The sold-out DramaFest 2007 Amsterdam kicks off this coming Friday and I’d like to reveal some of the secrets to the interest in […]
[…] happy to report that the inaugural DramaFest conference was a huge hit (both literally and figuratively) and went down as smooth as the Stolichnaya vodka […]
[…] I can reveal that when Tila was in Amsterdam for DramaFest 2007, the speaker she spent her nights with was not Tom. I cannot divulge which of the speakers she did […]