PimpSpace: A Place for Pimps

Posted on July 10, 2007
Filed Under Easy VC Money |

This is the first in a new Drama 2.0 Show primetime series entitled Easy VC Money. In it, I present concepts for Web 2.0 startups that VCs will absolutely love. At the end, I reveal which VC firm will be getting an email from me with the pitch. I will post any responses I get.

PimpSpace: A Place for Pimps

The Opportunity

Prostitution is the oldest occupation in the world and the prostitution industry is a billion dollar business. The International Labor Organization, for instance, estimates that between 1993 and 1995, prostitution in Thailand alone generated between $22.5 and $27 billion.

Pimps are a crucial component of the prostitution business. They are responsible for finding and managing clients for prostitutes that they represent. It is a lucrative business and top pimps earn considerable amounts of money. However pimps will be the first to tell you that “pimpin’ ain’t easy.” Pimps face a number of challenges, including:

Each of these challenges often requires considerable labor to deal with. There are a significant number of inefficiencies in the pimp business and there is a great opportunity for technology to reduce or eliminate these inefficiencies.

Business Description

PimpSpace is a social networking platform for pimps and prostitutes. It enables pimps to:

Business Model

PimpSpace will make money through advertising, subscription services, transaction fees and affiliate commissions:

Financial Outlook

PimpSpace’s multiple revenue streams have the potential to drive significant business. PimpSpace estimates that it will generate $1.25 million in revenues in the first year of operations and will become cashflow positive in month eight of operations. By year five, PimpSpace anticipates that it will be the go-to platform for pimps around the world to conduct their business and will generate profits of $25 million on revenues of $40 million.

Marketing Strategy

PimpSpace will engage in large-scale marketing initiatives to drive awareness of its services amongst the pimp community and to explain the value proposition of PimpSpace to this target audience. The primary marketing initiatives consist of:

PimpSpace believes that these marketing initiatives will enable it to rapidly gain mindshare in the pimp community. Within the first year, PimpSpace expects pimps will understand that “If you ain’t on PimpSpace, you ain’t pimpin’.”


There is little competition for PimpSpace. While some pimps, like Archbishop Don Magic Juan, have MySpace profiles, services like MySpace provide little benefit to the pimps’ actual businesses. No other service offers an integrated suite of applications for customer relationship management and accounting, for instance, that is designed to increase efficiency and profitability in the pimp game.

Challenges & Risks

PimpSpace faces two major challenges and risks:

Exit Strategy


PimpSpace seeks $2 million in seed funding. Proceeds will be used for product development, marketing, operations, executive salaries and perks quality assurance.

Who I’m Pitching

The Founders Fund
Why: The Founders Fund understands social networking, being an early investor in Facebook. Additionally, that Founders Fund whiz kids Sean Parker, Ken Howery and Luke Nosek have a penchant for the playboy lifestyle. All they need now is some women, and I’m sure the pimps on PimpSpace would be glad to deliver. PimpSpace is a lifestyle investment that’s sure to deliver a happy ending, even if it doesn’t deliver an IPO.

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2 Responses to “PimpSpace: A Place for Pimps”

  1. Kevin on July 11th, 2007 12:42 am

    Ha!! The sad thing is this might work. Its better than most of the stupid social networks out there. Can I invest $100???

  2. Blackmailr: We Know : The Drama 2.0 Show on November 8th, 2007 7:39 pm

    […] VCs expressed an interest in funding PimpSpace despite the fact that my pimp friends are reporting record revenues from Silicon Valley johns this […]

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