Drama 2.0 Exploring Development of Palo Alto Nightclub
Posted on April 12, 2008
Filed Under Valley Drama |
I’ve come to the conclusion that I just might have to develop a nightclub in Silicon Valley.
The drama in the tech blogosphere has apparently reached a level where A-list bloggers can reasonably demand a nightclub of their own.
According to the LA Times blog, some of the biggest names the tech blogosphere went to Hollywood and decided to audition for a new job: Hollywood primadonna.
David Sarno reports that the crew from Valleywag and Mashable’s Pete Cashmore were kicked out of the TechCrunch/PopSugar party this past Thursday at the Vanguard nightclub in Hollywood, a venue that, if you’re not familiar with the Hollywood nightlife scene, is probably not on your Top 10 list of places to party on a Friday or Saturday.
The Valleywag crew was apparently removed because, according to Jason Calacanis, “they’re liars and trolls.” The reason for Pete Cashmore’s ejection is unclear, but it might have something to do with the fact that he’s younger, in better shape and apparently more pleasing to the female eye than TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington.
Of course, judging from the , there weren’t a whole lot of good-looking female eyes to please by Hollywood standards. But that’s not surprising.
Note to all you Silicon Valley millionaires: money alone won’t get you as far in a place like Hollywood as you might expect. After all, in Hollywood you’re actually competing with lots of guys who are better looking, have social skills (i.e. a personality), know how to dress and aren’t 30+ pounds overweight. Some of them have money too (or know how to create that appearance by substituting a nice place to live for a lease on a Bentley).
But I digress. I think the drama in Hollywood poses a grave threat to the vibrant technology blogosphere: if A-list bloggers start spending too much time in places like Hollywood, they’ll eventually recognize that they’re not that important.
The LA Times piece attracted a whopping 4 comments, 3 of which sum it up best:
Since when has Vanguard become “exclusive”? It’s a dump! I’m sure it was chosen to accommodate the large swell of people but please, don’t make it out to be a choice location to anybody in Hollywood. Nobody from Hollywood even knew the party was going on.
a blogger gets thrown out of a party, but no one cares, does the internet make a sound?
I consider myself computer literate… but I have never before heard of
either of these two “world famous” guys. I was reminded while reading
this missive of the “good old days” — Hedda Hopper vs Louella Parsons!!!
Think of the negative consequences that could arise if A-list bloggers find out that, outside of the small little world called the blogosphere, they just aren’t that important. Or even known.
Clinical depression. Alcoholism. Compulsive gambling. Long periods without posts. Crazy posts. Violent thoughts about killing. Suicide.
I don’t want that. I much prefer that we keep the status quo. Of course, I’m being selfish (I love the amusement some of these people provide) but seeing that so many Internet startups (Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Meebo, FriendFeed, etc.) would probably collapse if the blogosphere was unable to prop them up, I think it’s also in the best interests of the Silicon Valley economy to make sure that A-list bloggers maintain their delusions of grandeur.
And that’s why I think A-list bloggers need a nightclub of their own. A place where their drama will matter. A place where there’s little risk that they’ll recognize few people actually care.
My nightclub on Sand Hill Road will be equipped with free wi-fi and a demo pit by the bar (so Silicon Valley VIPs can show the undercover prostitutes I fill the club with their blogs and new startups). You’ll be able to tweet your music requests to the DJ. Large flat screen televisions will circle the wall and display slideshows from random Flickr galleries. Web cams throughout the club will stream the action on Justin.tv. We’ll have a Ning social network for club-goers. And there will be themed cocktails - from the Twitter Twist to the Kool Aid Kiss.
In short, my nightclub 2.0 will have everything necessary to keep the blogosphere’s A-list happy. I think I’ll call it “Ego.”

6 Responses to “Drama 2.0 Exploring Development of Palo Alto Nightclub”
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I’ll be at Web 2.0 Expo later this month. If I do, by chance, happen to be at a party, if there is a drink in my hand and I pull out my mobile phone for ANY other reason than an incoming call that could mean my husband has been carted away after losing his mind being alone with the children all week, someone slap it out of my hand and send me back to my hotel room to sleep it off.
The video alone linked from the LAT piece made me nauseous. Can’t these people SOCIALIZE without their electronica to do it for them?
I couldn’t watch more than 2 minutes.
“We got mad game at Mahalo.”
“No doubt, no doubt.”
“Whatup people, whatup.”
Somehow it’s hard to represent Web 2.0 to the fullest when you have the voice of a 14 year-old.
What, Drama, you aren’t a part of the “JasonNation?” I think someone forgot to let these people know that Stephen Colbert is playing a part. I guess parody escapes people.
No I’m not. Unfortunately I never got an invitation. I guess I’m just not cool enough.
I think Sarah is HOT! Whuff Whuff. More pictures of Sarah please!
Night Club 2.0?? Be careful! You migth end up giving the Digital Telepathy posers and their pathetic Internet ignorant “StinkyFootCEO” another stupid web 2.0 idea.