Drama’s Roundup - December 24, 2007
Posted on December 24, 2007
Filed Under Drama's Roundup |
It’s Christmas Eve and despite having just had eight nights of Hanukkah, I’m feeling a little left out of all the holiday fun. So I thought I’d post something on my blog to ease the pain of knowing that a fat guy who I could plausibly mistake for a burglar isn’t going to enter my home tonight and provide me with an opportunity to use my 12 gauge.
Crisis may make 1929 look a ‘walk in the park’
Why It’s Interesting: Insiders are worried and when they start throwing around words like disaster, implosion, unstable and 1929, it’s a great excuse to splurge on an upgraded champagne for New Years. I personally recommend the 1990 Cristal and 1990 La Grande Dame Rosé. After all, you might as well party like it’s 1999 because next year you might be partying like it’s 1929.
Airborne Internet might bring turbulence
Why It’s Interesting: The “promise” of Internet access on airplanes will raise etiquette issues as the annoying technology-related behaviors that people exhibit on the ground become possible at 33,000 feet. There is an obvious solution, however, for those who can barely tolerate crying children and who would be pushed over the edge by idiot adults and their gadgets: NetJets fractional jet ownership. It’s not too late to add this to your Christmas wishlist.
Why It’s Interesting: It’s about time that the government stopped cracking down harder on people caught with crack cocaine. I applaud the reductions in the recommended sentences and hope that lawmakers will snort draw a line on minimum mandatory sentences too.
The Generational Divide in Copyright Morality
Why It’s Interesting: While David Pogue’s anecdotal demonstration that fewer and fewer American youth believe in copyright is not groundbreaking or surprising, it is amusing. Perhaps American youth have not yet realized that their bullshit economy is built almost entirely on “services” and “intangible” things like intellectual property. Their failure to support one of the last things their country actually produces quite well is about as smart as shooting oneself in the head with a nail gun.

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