The Wisdom of Drama - June 11, 2008

Posted on June 11, 2008
Filed Under The Wisdom of Drama |

I find wisdom in the words of great thinkers. Philosophers such as Confucius, St. Augustine and Bertrand Russell. The world today is desperately in need of great thinkers in the same mold so I’ve decided to try my hand with the introduction of a new series, The Wisdom of Drama.

In it, I’ll share classic sayings that will one day be cited in philosophy eBooks that students around the world read on their Kindles. Or not.

So without further ado, Drama 2.0 says:

Whoever said honesty doesn’t pay wasn’t being honest enough.

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4 Responses to “The Wisdom of Drama - June 11, 2008”

  1. Stan Miller on June 11th, 2008 3:37 pm

    Show off

  2. Sam B on June 12th, 2008 4:29 am

    Or maybe he was lying.

  3. Sam B on June 12th, 2008 4:30 am

    I’ve repeated your joke. Minus five billion points for reading comprehension to me. I look forward to the next in the series so I can not read that properly as well.

  4. Drama 2.0 on June 12th, 2008 11:40 am

    Sam: I could have written “Whoever said honesty doesn’t pay was broke,” but in my experience, many will actually pay quite a premium for brutal honesty.

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