Zuck, Tom and Tila in Fiery Love Triangle?
Posted on December 7, 2007
Filed Under Valley Drama |
Rumors have been circulating that Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Anderson and Tila Tequila are involved in a passionate love triangle. I previously blew off these rumors as being completely absurd but as I learned more, it started looking more probable:
- Tom Anderson .
- According to the Boston Globe, and one source who asked not to be named has claimed when the Zuck went to Hong Kong to close the $60 million investment deal with billionaire Li Ka-shing “that wasn’t the only happy ending he left with.”
- Tila Tequila was recently outed as a closet heterosexual.
This alone, however, is all circumstantial. The smoking gun did not come until the following were sent to me earlier by a reader who identified himself only as The Azn Sensation:
The Azn Sensation: “Tila invited Mark and Tom to a party right after Facebook announced Social Ads. Mark was on top of the world and the man of the hour. He and Tila were having a blast and getting pretty hot and heavy while Tom was forced to sit on the wall and watch. At about 1 a.m. Mark and Tila left and Tom was furious.”
The Azn Sensation: “Mark initially forgot to opt-out of Project Beacon and this screenshot was taken on November 7, the day after he met Tila and before he realized that all of his purchases were being shared publicly. When he saw that his purchases were on his profile he went into a tirade. He woke Adam D’Angelo up at 3 am, called him into the office and was heard yelling ‘I’m the f*cking CEO bitch…get this sh*t off my motherf*ckin’ profile!’”
While it appears that Mark has the upper hand right now, don’t count Tom out. MySpace is, after all, where Tila got her start and Facebook’s investors are apparently putting pressure on Mark to not only make things right with Project Beacon, but to stop spending his weekends with Tila.
Finally, I can reveal that when Tila was in Amsterdam for DramaFest 2007, the speaker she spent her nights with was not Tom. I cannot divulge which of the speakers she did cozy up to. After all, what happens at DramaFest stays at DramaFest.
Legal disclaimer from my attorneys at Dewey, Cheetum & Howe LLP: The content of posts in the Valley Drama category of The Drama 2.0 Show is parody and should be treated as such. Bitches.

10 Responses to “Zuck, Tom and Tila in Fiery Love Triangle?”
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[…] story, send it our way. Unfounded rumors and pure speculation are encouraged. Jerks. (Update: this is exactly the kind of stuff I’m looking […]
I love the snarkiness of your post. (Plus, you have provided entertainment for the clueless ones who visit this post and think it’s all real.)
Truly a shot at love.
[…] はじめに聞いたときは、興味もあったし、ちょっと笑える話だと思っていた。来年には従業員を700人にまで倍増しようというFacebookが、恐ろしい勢いでGoogle社員に手を出し始めて、大物がこれまでに少なくとも10人、今後も毎月2~4人は引き抜かれるだろう、というあの話。ところが、笑って済まされないのは、私の大切に思っているスタートアップなどにも手を出し始めたこと。うちの社のことなのだが。今日(米国時間12/6)、CrunchbaseのプロダクトマネージャーBen MeyerがFacebookに雇われたことがわかった。Benは、この夏のインターンの花形で、インターン期間が終ってからもフルタイムで働いてもらっていたのだ。ここTechCrunchに人は多くない、全員がキーパーソンだ。Benがいなくなるのは、実に、ほんとうに苦しい。とはいえ、Facebookとそのストックオプションが引きつける力は、BenをTechCrunchから引き離すには十分な魅力だったのだろう。おめでとう、Ben。さみしくなるが、むこうで頑張ってほしい(あと、Facebookの管理システムをアクセスできるようにしてくれると、さらに嬉しい)しかし、Facebookに対しては大いに不満だ。うちの人間に手を出すな。社員を探すならどこかほかでやってくれ。こんどやったら宣戦布告だ。なお、本件とは全く関係のない連絡事項だが、Facebookに関する特にネガティブな話の手がかりがあれば知らせてほしい。ムカつくぜ。(アップデート:これこそが待っていたネタ)[原文へ](翻訳:Nob Takahashi) Facebook […]
La guerre des RH 2.0 aura-t-elle lieu ?
J’aime bien les histoires d’arroseur arrosé, parce qu’elles contiennent souvent une morale pour ceux qui y assistent, pour peu qu’ils veuillent bien y faire attention. Il y a 15 jours, Techcrunch se moquait gentiment de Google qui se faisait pique…
no cantonese comments please. The accent comes across even in simplified
Wow..!!! And LOL… this is really a eye catching photo and a good triangle
and a nice collection of photos.. 
[…] story, send it our way. Unfounded rumors and pure speculation are encouraged. Jerks. (Update: this is exactly the kind of stuff I’m looking […]
[…] story, send it our way. Unfounded rumors and pure speculation are encouraged. Jerks. (Update: this is exactly the kind of stuff I’m looking […]
Come on guys… haven’t you heard, Tila is a transexual (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
although this probably explains why Mark was buying the KY Jelly.