Drama’s Roundup - November 21, 2007
Posted on November 21, 2007
Filed Under Drama's Roundup |
This episode of Drama’s Roundup contains some articles that are sure to spark interesting conversations at your Thanksgiving dinner. I’m hoping that some of you will be holding yours in Second Life this year (there’s less cleanup required and you can say whatever you want to your mother-in-law without fear of starting a family fist-fight).
Sweeping the Clouds Away
Why It’s Interesting: As Drama 2.0 Show readers have probably figured out, I’m concerned about the increasing “pussification” of American culture. Although I primarily look at how technology is playing a role in this, I couldn’t help but feel disgusted to read that the first two “Sesame Street: Old School” DVDs come with a stark warning: “These early ‘Sesame Street’ episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today’s preschool child.” Yes, in a day and age where vile filth infects every medium, our precious children need to be sheltered from early episodes of Sesame Street.
Why It’s Interesting: The way Facebook has implemented Project Bacon has resulted in some Facebook users’ purchases being displayed on their Facebook profiles without their consent. Facebook has not only revolutionized the advertising business; it has revolutionized the concept of “opt-out.” It appears that if you don’t opt-out quickly enough, Mark Zuckerberg assumes you want to opt-in because Project Bacon is just so damn useful and meaningful.
Don’t flame me, bro’
Why It’s Interesting: Michael Marshall, online editorial assistant for New Scientist, discusses some of the science behind why people act like assholes online. As an anonymous blogger myself, however, I assure you that my offline personality does match my online personality. I’m just as abrasive, yet equally lovable, in real life. Just ask the attendees of DramaFest 2007 Amsterdam.
Cyberbullying Suicide Stokes the Internet Fury Machine
Why It’s Interesting: Wired explores the issue of cyber-vigilantes and provides yet another sad example of how technology is impacting society negatively.

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