Robert Scoble and the Egosphere
Posted on May 21, 2008
Filed Under Web 2.0 Kool Aid |
You don’t have to be incredibly perceptive to notice that some of the more popular “personalities” (if you can call them that) in the small world of the technology blogosphere have humorously large egos.
In my opinion, the technology blogosphere is no longer even best described as an echo chamber; it’s best described as a circle jerk.
To a certain extent, I believe that it now serves little purpose beyond stoking the egos of a handful of people who are not only out of touch with reality, but out of touch with their place in it.
Showing off the World Wide Talk Show to Media Bistro
Today I gave a talk which is getting lots of kudos at the Media Bistro Circus here in New York. I showed a ton of stuff including Qik, Asterpix, Seesmic, FriendFeed, Twitter, Twittervision, Dotsub, Fast, Snackr, and Twhirl.
Allen Stern at Centernetworks filmed it and said nice things about me, which I greatly appreciate. He said “I captured his entire discussion (~15 minutes) and it’s worth watching.”
This pompous, self-congratulatory and useless blog post is the work of none other than Robert Scoble. Why is this not surprising?
Of course, his post is just a single perfect example of just how childish, swollen-headed and downright narcissistic the technology blogosphere has become.
He might just as well have posted:
Showing off
Today I gave a brilliant lecture which is getting lots of praise at the Media Bistro Circus here in New York. I demonstrated my knowledge of all the coolest Internet services by showing a ton of stuff including Qik, Asterpix, Seesmic, FriendFeed, Twitter, Twittervision, Dotsub, Fast, Snackr, and Twhirl.
Allen Stern at Centernetworks filmed it and said nice things about me, which really gives me the external approval I need to feel good as a human being. He said “I captured his entire discussion (~15 minutes) and it’s worth watching.” It really is and I’d encourage you to watch it and send me kudos as well.
This really wouldn’t have been much different than what he did post. They both scream “Look at me!” and on a Freudian level are probably in some way asking, “Are you proud of me now, dad?”
I’m reading far less of the technology blogosphere these days and am actually relying primarily on others to point me in the direction of truly interesting posts because the amount of useful and insightful information seems to have almost completely evaporated.
It has been replaced, in large part, by delusions of grandeur. And contrary to what John Atkinson thinks, the world is not interested.

9 Responses to “Robert Scoble and the Egosphere”
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Thank you for the mental image of Scoble, et al in a circle jerk. My eyes are burning.
Love your stuff.
I’d love for you to do an in-depth report on “Personal Branding”.
Welcome to Hype 2.0 by Personalities 2.0
In other words, you are being lazy about generating content for your own posts.
[…] that there’s little indication that it’s gaining much traction of note outside of the circle jerk that is the technology/blogosphere/Web 2.0 community does not bode well for Twitter’s […]
[…] I’ve had a rant in my head for days now about why I don’t need or want Twitter — the new (or not so new if you’re on Internet time) microblogging tool that’s taking the Web 2.0 cognesti by storm and generating controversy. See here and here. […]
[…] my opinion, the technology blogosphere has become little more than a circle jerk. Apparently it’s turning “research” into a circle […]
[…] Silicon Valley, it is yet another example that behind all of the Web 2.0 hyperbole and euphamisms, egotism, self-centeredness and outright narcissism reign […]
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